Galway Sheep – Caoirigh na Gaillimhe
Another native Irish farm breed to feature in our new book is the gorgeous Galway Sheep. The following information has been taken from the official Association of Galway Sheep. The Galway Sheep Breeders Association was established in 1923. The Association was founded to encourage the breeding and conservation of Galway Sheep and to maintain the Sheep as a pure breed.
The Galway is Ireland’s only native Sheep breed and deserves to be conserved for Historical, Scientific, Cultural and Agricultural reasons. The Breed has been granted Rare Breed Status and receives financial support under Reps IV. The sheep are hornless and can be recognised by their white faces, and long, fine textured wool – which is extremely popular with hand spinners producing clothing of exceptional quality.
You can see this beautiful character in our Farmyard Féasta book by clicking here