Chicken – Sicín
Chickens, the females are hens, were most likely introduced to Ireland during the first few centuries AD. However, they were not common here until well into the 14th century. Chickens are descended from junglefowl and dinosaurs. Chickens can show empathy.
Chickens can speak to each other. Chickens can dream and can be hypnotised. Chicken’s are omnivores. In the wild, they often scratch at the soil to search for seeds & insects. Purebred chickens such as the Marans, Silkie, Minorca, Rhode Island Reds, Bantams, Leghorns, and the Sussex are all bred in Ireland today.
The average chicken may live for five to ten years. With around 23 billion chickens on the planet at any one time, the bird is known as the most successful species on earth. You can see this beautiful character in our Farmyard Féasta book by clicking here